Updated 16 January 2025
New Southern Pines Office- All Southern Pines patient care is now at the new office at 105 Pavilion Way, Southern Pines NC 28387. More space, modern design and a better parking lot!

Flu vaccine is important especially for young children, elderly and pregnant people. Last year was a bad flu season for children with 204 pediatric deaths, exceeding the prior record for a single season – click here to see CDC statement.
RSV immunization – We have Beyfortus (nirsevimab) for babies less than 8 months and some older higher risk children 8-19 months old. We strongly recommend this immunization, which is 80-90% protective against RSV hospitalization- RSV is the number 1 cause of hospitalization in babies less than 1 year old! CDC guidance
COVID Vaccine – COVID cases are fortunately much lower than the peak but just like other vaccines we recommend everyone to be up to date on their protection against this awful virus. We have the Fall 2024-2025 COVID Moderna vaccine in stock- The updated vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older, especially our elders- remind the grandparents! (Pfizer COVID vaccine is available at local pharmacies and health departments.)
Measles- Measles is the most contagious disease in human history and we have been seeing an increase in cases in America mostly due to international travel- 284 US cases in 2024 as of 19 Dec 2024. CDC weekly measles update. Please make sure your children have gotten full protection prior to international travel.
From CDC Health Alert
U.S. residents older than age 6 months without evidence of immunity who are planning to travel internationally should receive MMR vaccine prior to departure.
- Infants aged 6 through 11 months should receive one dose of MMR vaccine before departure. Infants who receive a dose of MMR vaccine before their first birthday should receive two more doses of MMR vaccine, the first of which should be administered when the child is age 12 through 15 months and the second at least 28 days later.
- Children aged 12 months or older should receive two doses of MMR vaccine, separated by at least 28 days.

CHADIS Developmental Screens-Save time ! We started a new online developmental screening program Jan 2024 so you can complete developmental screens and ADHD scales on your phone or computer before the appointment to save time! (CHADIS Infographic) You (or your child if a teen) should get an invitation to sign into your patient portal to complete the forms. The link to the portal is at the top right of this page and also here.
We are a Vaccinating Practice
Sandhills Pediatrics is a vaccinating practice – for the health and safety of our patients and our community. Vaccines prevent serious illnesses and save lives.
Children and young adults should receive ALL recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers of Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Paxlovid (an oral anti COVID medicine) is available for high risk patients who test positive for COVID, are 12 yo+ and >88 pounds. NC DHHS has a new telemedicine program for those who don’t have a doctor.
If you have questions about the vaccine, please call for an appointment so we can answer your questions!
Sandhills Pediatrics vaccinates patients 6 mo + and any family members. Please call for an appointment or ask us about it next time you are in the office.
Breastfeeding– is a reason to get the COVID vaccination (protects mom and maybe even baby) and we encourage all of our nursing mothers to receive it.
Pregnancy– CDC issued an urgent appeal for ALL pregnant people to get vaccinated 29 Sep 2021. The American College of OBGYN now strongly recommends vaccination for pregnant individuals – see here. For more answers about breastfeeding and other COVID vaccine questions, click here to access the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia vaccine education center.
Looking for information on Coronavirus COVID-19? New information is available daily, so we’d like to point you to the continuously updated CDC website for the most reliable information. We recommend you follow the sensible precautions from the American Academy of Pediatrics provided here. To help us keep your child and other patients healthy, if you suspect your child has a Coronavirus COVID-19 infection, please do not come to walk-in clinic! Call us and let us know about possible exposures so we can discuss the best plan to provide safe and high quality care.